Friday 31 January 2014

2D Scrolling Shooters

Similar in concept to the 2D platformer is the 2D side scrolling shooter. The idea behind this genre is that the player still controls an avatar on screen, except instead of the screen moving along with them, it moves horizontally along at its own pace. Whilst the camera is slowly moving the player encounters enemies which the player must shoot down, and the aim is to survive until the end of the level.

Gradius, 1985
A recognised game of this genre is Gradius (1985). Originally released as an arcade game, it was eventually released among various platforms including the NES. The player controlled a space ship which they could fly in 8 directions across the screen, and could obtain items and new weapons to help defeat oncoming enemy ships. As well as shooters where the camera scrolled sideways, games were also released from a vertical angle.

M.U.S.H.A, 1990
M.U.S.H.A (1990) was released on the Sega Genesis, and is recognised for how refined it made the genre. Your avatar starts at the bottom of the screen instead of the left, and the camera scrolls vertically upwards whilst the enemy ships fly towards you from the top.

- Chris

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