Tuesday 4 March 2014

Backgrounds and the Little Details

Now that the main character and the general characters have been developed the next steps graphically were to set the scene. Each scene shown is the main background along with additional components featured within the scene However we may be adding more as the game develops.

Background/ Scene Pieces 



Example of the scene.

Long Platform

Short platform
Map found in the cave




Mountain Example
Mountain Background
Bridge Platform

Long Platform
Short Platform

Necklace found on goat.




Underwater example

Underwater platforming Background

Underwater falling background

Long platform

Small platform
Jellyfish plaf

Due to the bird going underwater we needed to add a scuba diving helmet which he picks up after falling through the ocean.

Mustachios Lair


Mustachios Lair Example

Mustachios Lair Background

Long Platform

Small platform

Mustachios Loot (treasure)

 The crew are featured within the lair hanging from the ceiling in cages for the penultimate scene to decide their fate.


Desert island Background

Ocean Background

C.Legs Ship

Air icon
Health Icon

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