Tuesday 4 March 2014

Poster, Logo and Title Screen

This is so far the final design for the Logo for C.Legs the game. We tried to keep the design informal and comical as that's the whole style of the game it however still needed to demonstrate the pirate themed style. though not making it to overbearing.

Once the logo had been developed we started on creating the poster several designs were put together for example fig 2 which was based in the cave had a more darker context. though we decided on fig 1 as the final poster design which is still under some more review however. We decided to choose that as it was more lighthearted and somewhat explains the situation of the game without giving too much away.

Fig 1

Fig 2
We then followed up by creating a Start page for the beginning of the game. The aim was to keep it simple and straight to the point so the user can essentially hit start and go.

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