Tuesday 11 February 2014

Genre Decisions

Although there are numerous genres within 2D video games that we could design a game for, we wish to create a 2D Platformer.

This means the structure of our game will be to advance from the start of the level to the end of the level on a side-scrolling plane. In our levels we wish to incorporate enemies that must be disposed of or avoided and obstacles which must be jumped over/across. We are also thinking of incorporating puzzle elements into the levels, which could involve anything from having to press a sequence of switches in the correct order or destroy blocks in a specific pattern in order to continue.

We will design all the elements of the game, and use Construct 2 to import them into the game. This will include characters, obstacles, level and background design. Also if time allows it, we wish to animate our own cut-scenes between levels to add a sense of progression.

- Kat & Chris

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