Friday 14 February 2014



This is Mustachio a hell bent shark with an obsession to to over throw the pirate crew and throw all he has in their way even stealing his ship and crew. Figure 1 is the final image of the character Mustachio we decided against using a fedora like in Figure 2 due to the lack in keeping with the storyline of the game, it seemed to lack context. However with a small bit of audience feedback it was the preferred representation of the character.

Fig 1
Fig 2


 Level Villains

With each level there will be smaller bosses with posses key items in order for the character to progress which are both on their person, these characters are the minions of Mustachio aiding in his evil doing. The chracters are more detailed then the monsters with a more aggressive looking demeanor, to add the fear factor but still keeping the comical feel.

Aggressive Mountain Goat
Captain Boo

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